In 1968, 在作曲家彼得·门宁(1962-83)任职期间, 戏剧部成立了, 约翰·豪斯曼担任首任导演,米歇尔·圣丹尼担任顾问. 为了反映其更广泛的艺术范围,学校改名为茱莉亚学院,并搬到了现在的家, 1969年加入林肯表演艺术中心. 茱莉亚歌剧中心的第一部作品,伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基 耙子的进步, 庆祝1970年林肯中心茱莉亚剧院(现为彼得·杰伊·夏普)的开幕.
1983年,门宁去世后,巴松管演奏家约瑟夫. 波利西从1984年秋季到2018年春季担任该校第六任校长. Major projects that were realized during his administration include the addition of the Meredith Willson Residence Hall; significant additions to the curriculum with new programs in jazz studies and historical performance, 增加戏剧艺术硕士课程, and strengthening the school’s liberal arts program; implementation of numerous educational and community engagement programs; a major expansion and renovation of Juilliard’s facility; and the announcement of the school's first branch campus outside of New York City, 中国天津esball世博, 它于2020年开业.
In 2018, 芭蕾舞演员和艺术领袖达米安·沃泽尔成为了学校的第七任校长, 在他的领导下,学校将创造力和公平视为追求卓越的关键. Woetzel下, 茱莉亚学院扩大了对新的艺术领袖的招募, staff and faculty; deepened partnerships across the 林肯中心 campus and with leading arts institutions fostering students’ connections to the professional world; significantly increased fundraising efforts—including a $50 million endowed grant for the 音乐进修计划 enabling full-tuition scholarships for all MAP students; created a Global Council and other new donor groups; established institution-wide EDIB (equity, 多样性, 包容, and belonging) practices; and launched the school’s digital streaming initiative providing free access to Juilliard’s programs and performances to audiences worldwide.
今天, 有来自43个州和44个国家的800多名学生艺术家在茱莉亚学院分部注册, where they appear in more than 700 annual performances in the school’s five theaters; at 林肯中心’s Alice Tully and David Geffen halls and at Carnegie Hall; as well as at other venues around New York City, 这个国家, 这个世界. esball世博的连续学习还包括近400名从小学到高中就读预科部的学生, 超过800名学生就读于茱莉亚扩展学院. 在纽约校区之外, 通过天津茱莉亚学院和K-12教育课程,茱莉亚学院正在为一系列学习者和爱好者定义全球表演艺术教育的新方向.